iPhone / ipad
iOS is an extraordinary operating system and the iPhones and iPads are most unique devices in the current market. iPhone and iPad come with various features and applications. You can search for them in a range of categories at Apple iStore. However, on their own, these applications are somehow limiting in terms of functionality. When it comes to personal use of the iPhone or iPad, the applications can be downloaded and synchronised with iTune - a desktop software, introduced by Apple. Some of the applications are free and some of them are paid. Various applications can be developed by us and we can customise them based on the unique need of the customer. Services related to iPhones/iPads provided by Microquery are listed below:
- Custom applications
- Development services
- Widget development
- Mobile web development
- Porting and migration
- Software Support
- Software Maintenance
- Gaming and entertainment systems
- Mobile enterprise business systems (eg.Dynamics CRM)
- Productivity tools
- Productivity systems
- Lifestyle and entertainment systems
- Social networking / IM systems
- Internet enabled systems (eg. employment portals)
- Matrimony applications
- Training and evaluation systems
- Health care System
- Kids Learning application
- Look, Feel and Lifestyle System
- Personal Healthcare
- Internet/Web interface
- Educational and E-Learning
- Sports and tourist information
- Banking and financial services
- Utilities